Marwan Abdellah's

Calligrapher, artist, biomedical engineer,
scientific visualization expert and passionate with in silico neuroscience.

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Dr. Marwan Abdellah



Marwan Abdellah is a Swiss-Egyptian neuro-informatician, visualization expert, research engineer and senior software engineer. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Biomedical Engineering with honors from the Biomedical Engineering Department, School of Engineering at Cairo University in 2009 and 2012 respectively. After his graduation, he worked as a research engineer at IBE Technologies to develope real-time volume visualization applications for four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound imaging scanners. In 2010, he joined the Biomedical Department at Symbyo Technologies, known later by 360imaging and currently AtomicaAI, as an associate software engineer to contribute to the development of interactive dental implant planning software. In 2011, he joined the Blue Brain Project at EPFL as a scientific collaborator and visualization engineer to develop extensible and domain-specific scientific visualization frameworks to assist computational neuroscientists to visualize large scale brain circuitry that is digitally reconstructed, in silico. In 2012, he started pursuing his Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Blue Brain Project (EPFL) under the supervision of Henry Markram and Felix Schürmann, where he successfully completed in 2017. Currently, he is working as a senior visualization research engineer in the computing division of the Blue Brain Project (EPFL). He focused in his M.Sc. thesis research on developing high performance volume rendering techniques of large-scale medical data on heterogeneous platforms including CUDA-capable GPUs. During his Ph.D., his research was focused on synthesizing computational models of brain imaging modalities using physically-plausible rendering methods. In 2009, Abdellah was awarded a graphics card from NVIDIA for accelerating a 4D ultrasound reconstruction software in a workshop on High Performance Computing at the International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP) held in Trieste, Italy. His graduation project was awarded by ITIDA and Egyptian ministers of Telecommunications & Higher Education during a celebration organized by ITIDA in March 2010. Abdellah has received several awards and honorable mentions for his Art in Science contributions.

الدكتور مروان عبداللاه هو مهندس أبحاث ومهندس برمجيات ومسؤول البحث والتطوير بقسم التصور والحوسبة في مشروع الدماغ الازرق. ولد في القاهرة عام ١٩٨٧ وحصل على درجتي البكالوريوس والماجستير في الهندسة الطبية من قسم الهندسة الطبية الحيوية والمنظومات بكلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة تحت إشراف الدكتور ياسر قدح والدكتور أيمن الديب. كما نال درجة الدكتوراه في علوم الأعصاب من المعهد التقني الفدرالي السويسري بلوزان EPFL تحت إشراف العالم البارز في مجال علوم الأعصاب الدكتور هنري ماركرم مدير مشروع الدماغ الأزرق ومؤسس مشروع الدماغ البشري ومعهد العقل والدماغ بالمعهد التقني الفدرالي بلوزان. بعد التخرج عمل عبداللاه كمهندس برمجيات بقسم البحث والتطوير بشركة IBE Technologies لتطوير أجهزة تصوير السونار رباعية الأبعاد. ثم التحق بقسم البرمجيات الحيوية بشركة Symbyo Technologies للمساهمة في تطوير برامج زراعة الإسنان. في عام ٢٠١١ أنضم عبداللاه لمشروع الدماغ الأزرق كمهندس برمجيات وباحث مشارك للمساهمة في تطوير الأنظمة البرمجية المستخدمة لتصوير النماذج العصبية المطورة والتي تستخدم لمحاكاة الوظائف العضوية لأدمغة القوارض بإستخدام أجهزة الحواسيب العملاقة.



    • Scientific Visualization
    • Neuroinformatics & Visual Analytics
    • In Silico Neuroscience
    • Computer Graphics & Parallel Rendering
    • Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
    • High Performance Computing & GPU Computing
    • Computational Geometry
    • High Fidelity Mesh Reconstruction
    • Medical Imaging


    • Briefings in Bioinformatics (Oxford Academic), February 2024
    • Briefings in Bioinformatics (Oxford Academic), August 2023
    • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), January 2023
    • IEEE Transactions of Computational Imaging, December 2022
    • STAR Protocols: Cell Press, July 2022
    • Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, June 2022
    • Frontiers in Surgery, December 2021
    • Neuroinformatics (Springer), August 2021
    • STAR Protocols: Cell Press, May 2021
    • IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, February 2021
    • Frontiers in Neuroscience, February 2020
    • Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), July 2019
    • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, February 2019
    • IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, December 2018
    • Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), April 2018
    • BMC Bioinformatics, February 2018
    • Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), January 2018
    • Journal of Medical Imaging (SPIE), February 2017
    • Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), May 2016
    • Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics & Visualization (EGPGV) 2016, March 2016
    • SoftwareX (Elsevier), January 2016
    • Design Automation for Embedded Systems, August 2015
    • Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics & Visualization (EGPGV) 2015, July 2015
    • Journal of Medical Imaging & Health Informatics, March 2015
    • Computer Graphics Forum, January 2014
    • IEEE, Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC) 2012, August 2012

Marwan Abdellah's Page